BFM 91.2 is Biratnagar based radio station run under Birat Shree Media Network Pvt. Ltd which was registered in the Company Registrar Office on 29th Ashar 2063 and obtained license No. FM 123/063/064 to run a radio station of 500 watt capacity on the 91.2 MHz frequency from the Ministry of Information and Communication on 6th Bhadra 2063.
The Management Committee of BFM 91.2 comprises of Dr. Gyanendra Man Singh Karki as Chairman, Mr. Indra Khatri (Rajan) as Director and Mr. Sandesh Dass Shrestha as Executive Director.
BFM started its test transmission from 9th Magh 2063 (23rd January 2007) and started its 18 hour regular transmission from 1st Baishak 2064.
BFM 91.2 is a 100% YOURS local station having the slogan “SUNDAI JAUN, SUNAUDAI JAUN”(Lets Listen, Lets Make Others Listen) that supplies daily dose of information, infotainment and entertainment.
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