लिङ्ग परिवर्तनमा नेपाली पनि

"Sex change" is sometimes also used for the whole process of changing gender role and the medical procedures associated with it. Since changing of gender role, i.e. living as a woman instead of living as a man, or living as a man instead of living as a woman, is much more important to almost all transgendered people than any medical procedures, this use is even more inaccurate. (Of course, medically induced changes and surgeries are often needed to make a change of gender role at all possible, both socially and legally. Also, they can have a very significant impact on the well-being of people having them!

धेरै नेपालीहरुलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ | सर्जरी (अपरेसन) गरेर केटा मान्छे केटि बन्न सक्छन र केटि मान्छे केटा बन्न सक्छन | धेरै महँगो हुन्छ यो सर्जरी | बिश्वमा धेरै मनिशाहरुले आफ्नो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गरेका छन् , हिजो आज सन्तोष पन्तका कान्छा छोरा प्रतिक पन्तले आफ्नो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गरेर छोरि बनेको कुरा को निक्कै चर्चा भैरहेको छ | facebook , twitter तथा website हरुमा प्रतिक पन्तको चर्चा चलिरहेको छ | अनलाइन खबर का अनुसार अहिले उनी पुरुष अंगको सट्टा महिला अंग प्रत्यारोपण गर्न अहिले वैंककतिर लागिसकेका छन् ।

Christine Jorgensen संसारमै चिनिएका पहिलो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने व्यक्ति हुन् | उनले पुरुष बाट महिला बनेका थिए |

कति महँगो हुन्छ त लिङ्ग परिवर्तन ??

bangkokplasticsurgery.com का अनुसार यस्तो छ खर्च बिबरण

Hair Transplant
Less than 1,000 Grafts2,500 USD

Posterior repair3,000 USD
Sigmoid colon cut vaginoplasty (post sex change surgery with stricture vagina for more depth)7,000 USD
Reduction labioplasty1,500 USD

Lip and Rhinoplasty
Hair (or cleft)ย lip surgery2,500 USD
Palate repair2,500 USD
Thining lip1,500 USD
Rhinoplasty with implant andย nasal bone shaving2,500 USD

Wrinkle Correction
Botox: crow's feet, forehead and glabella linesper bottle: 650 USD
Restylaneย injectionper syringe: 650 USD
Perlane injectionper syringe: 650 USD

Augmented Rhinoplasty withoutย shaving1,200 USD
Augmented Rhinoplastyย with shaving2,500 USD
Alaplasty1,200 USD
Hump correction2,500 USD
Rhino shaving or reconstruction2,500 USD

Face lift surgery (cheekbone area lift, cheek area lift,ย lateral side of jowlย and neck lift)4,000 USD
Forehead lift or Brow lift by endoscopy3,500 USD
Mid-face lift3,500 USD
Neck lift2,500 USD

Augmented chin2,500 USD
Sliding chin (Bone Sliding of jaw)3,000 USD

Eyelid Surgery
Double eyelid fold1,200 USD
Upper blepharoplasty1,200 USD
Lower blepharoplasty1,200 USD

Breast Surgery
Breast enlargement2,600 USD
Breast reduction4,500 USD
Breast uplift4,000 USD

Abdomen (tummy tuck)
Abdominal lipectomy (Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck surgery)4,000 USD

Protruding ears2,500 USD

Mandible (Jaw surgery)
Angle resection3,000 USD
Botox injections toย reduceย jaw muscles on both sidesper bottle: 650 USD

First point1,600 USD
Next point500 USD

Sex Reassignment Surgery
Scrotal Skin Graft Vaginoplasty6,500 USD
Sigmoid Colon cut Vaginoplasty8,500 USD
Buttock or Hip Enlargement4,000 USD

Cheek dimples1,500 USD
Cheekbone implants3,000 USD
Cheekbone reduction3,500 USD

Adam's Apple
Reshaving1,500 USD

तपाइलाई पनि मन छ कि लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने ??


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