"Sex change" is sometimes also used for the whole process of changing gender role and the medical procedures associated with it. Since changing of gender role, i.e. living as a woman instead of living as a man, or living as a man instead of living as a woman, is much more important to almost all transgendered people than any medical procedures, this use is even more inaccurate. (Of course, medically induced changes and surgeries are often needed to make a change of gender role at all possible, both socially and legally. Also, they can have a very significant impact on the well-being of people having them!
धेरै नेपालीहरुलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ | सर्जरी (अपरेसन) गरेर केटा मान्छे केटि बन्न सक्छन र केटि मान्छे केटा बन्न सक्छन | धेरै महँगो हुन्छ यो सर्जरी | बिश्वमा धेरै मनिशाहरुले आफ्नो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गरेका छन् , हिजो आज सन्तोष पन्तका कान्छा छोरा प्रतिक पन्तले आफ्नो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गरेर छोरि बनेको कुरा को निक्कै चर्चा भैरहेको छ | facebook , twitter तथा website हरुमा प्रतिक पन्तको चर्चा चलिरहेको छ | अनलाइन खबर का अनुसार अहिले उनी पुरुष अंगको सट्टा महिला अंग प्रत्यारोपण गर्न अहिले वैंककतिर लागिसकेका छन् ।
Christine Jorgensen संसारमै चिनिएका पहिलो लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने व्यक्ति हुन् | उनले पुरुष बाट महिला बनेका थिए |
कति महँगो हुन्छ त लिङ्ग परिवर्तन ??
bangkokplasticsurgery.com का अनुसार यस्तो छ खर्च बिबरण
Hair Transplant |
Less than 1,000 Grafts | 2,500 USD |
Vagina |
Posterior repair | 3,000 USD |
Sigmoid colon cut vaginoplasty (post sex change surgery with stricture vagina for more depth) | 7,000 USD |
Reduction labioplasty | 1,500 USD |
Lip and Rhinoplasty |
Hair (or cleft)ย lip surgery | 2,500 USD |
Palate repair | 2,500 USD |
Thining lip | 1,500 USD |
Rhinoplasty with implant andย nasal bone shaving | 2,500 USD |
Wrinkle Correction |
Botox: crow's feet, forehead and glabella lines | per bottle: 650 USD |
Restylaneย injection | per syringe: 650 USD |
Perlane injection | per syringe: 650 USD |
Nose |
Augmented Rhinoplasty withoutย shaving | 1,200 USD |
Augmented Rhinoplastyย with shaving | 2,500 USD |
Alaplasty | 1,200 USD |
Hump correction | 2,500 USD |
Rhino shaving or reconstruction | 2,500 USD |
Face |
Face lift surgery (cheekbone area lift, cheek area lift,ย lateral side of jowlย and neck lift) | 4,000 USD |
Forehead lift or Brow lift by endoscopy | 3,500 USD |
Mid-face lift | 3,500 USD |
Neck lift | 2,500 USD |
Chin |
Augmented chin | 2,500 USD |
Sliding chin (Bone Sliding of jaw) | 3,000 USD |
Eyelid Surgery |
Double eyelid fold | 1,200 USD |
Upper blepharoplasty | 1,200 USD |
Lower blepharoplasty | 1,200 USD |
Breast Surgery |
Breast enlargement | 2,600 USD |
Breast reduction | 4,500 USD |
Breast uplift | 4,000 USD |
Abdomen (tummy tuck) |
Abdominal lipectomy (Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck surgery) | 4,000 USD |
Ear |
Protruding ears | 2,500 USD |
Mandible (Jaw surgery) |
Angle resection | 3,000 USD |
Botox injections toย reduceย jaw muscles on both sides | per bottle: 650 USD |
Liposuction |
First point | 1,600 USD |
Next point | 500 USD |
Sex Reassignment Surgery |
Scrotal Skin Graft Vaginoplasty | 6,500 USD |
Sigmoid Colon cut Vaginoplasty | 8,500 USD |
Buttock or Hip Enlargement | 4,000 USD |
Cheek |
Cheek dimples | 1,500 USD |
Cheekbone implants | 3,000 USD |
Cheekbone reduction | 3,500 USD |
Adam's Apple |
Reshaving | 1,500 USD |
तपाइलाई पनि मन छ कि लिङ्ग परिवर्तन गर्ने ??
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